Sunday 7 September 2008


Johan Pottas van die Vrystaattak het verlede maand op Rootsweb South Africa en Buitenposten soos volg berig:

Ons het by ons maandbyeenkoms (in Augustus 2008) vir Elria Wessels van die ABO-projek by ons gehad en het sy amptelik aan ons tak die volgende webwerf bekend gestel:

Die inleiding tot die webtuiste lees soos volg:

The camps were formed by the British army to house the residents of the two Boer republics of the South African Republic and the Orange Free State. They were established towards the end of 1900, after Britain had invaded the Boer republics. This database was designed to investigate mortality and morbidity in the camps during the war.

Although it includes everyone listed in the registers during the war, it usually excludes returning prisoners-of-war and men who came back from commando at the end of the war, as well as the considerable movement of people which took place after 31 May 1902, when families were repatriated to their homes.

Johan skryf voorts: "Dit is 'n databasis met al die kampe nie net die Vrystaatse kampe nie. Daar is selfs ook inligting oor die Kroonstad kamp se inwoners, wat hulle uit ander bronne kon opspoor, aangesien die "oorspronklike" kampregister nie by die VAB ooit uitgekom het nie. Niemand weet wat daarvan geword het nie".

Die projek het onder leiding gestaan van Elizabeth van Heyningen. Haar besonderhede is:



Boer Concentration Camp Project, University of Cape Town, Private Bag, Rondebosch, Cape Town 7700 South Africa.

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